Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 7:39PM
Antukin in Random


I don't know what to do. I'm on this weird budget until October 15. Here's the story, I am going to LA for a 4 day vacation to eat food.

I will have to find out things to do, places to visit that will not cost me anything. I bet with this economy many people seem to find stuff that isn't expensive. I should go tanning, thats free just lay on the beach and do nothing, hmmm maybe I want to just stay home and play some games.

Since I'm filipino I want to visit like Jolibee, and Goldilock's, like all those food I used to like when I was a kid. So I have to save money, for all those food purchases I'm going to make.

The rabbit on the picture above is so big its so cute. I want to cuddle with it and eat it.



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