Suck the Truth: Men's Behavior
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 11:06PM
Antukin in For Your Information


I wanted to start a series of writing dealing with everyday life. I wanted to start this about men because this week was weird. I was approached by a couple of people and the topics were all about men and cheating, and guy stuff. This are just the patterns I noticed....


Let me tell you the good and unappealing side of the male gender. So far we all know men think about sex all the time. That is a proven fact, by basically being a dude myself.

Here are other things that are also true (in some cases):

-Guys do cry!

-Most men love their moms.

- When you catch him cheating on you and he asks for a second chance, give it to him. But when you catch him again and he asks for another chance, ignore him.

-Most guys have an erection in the mornings before they wake up. It's called the "morning wood".

-This is not generalizing men, but most men will probably have sex with anything if given right reason, whether monetary or under influence of mind altering substances. I don't care if they are in a strong relationship if a naked Megan Fox is in front of that straight dude, he will do her.

-Guys will cheat if they feel that they are being overpowered financially, emotionally, and other factors by the woman. They want to feel like they are in control.

-Guys will masturbate regularly and watch porn.

-Men do get attached to fuck buddy relationships. Many people think that only women get attached, but alot of instances the male gets the dip.

-Guys have a tendency to do not care just because they don't like being in an uncomfortable situations like drama and confusion of trying to pick out the better sock.

-Most close to perfect guys are always either gay or taken.

Lastly, men are just men. They are a different breed of humanity. It is true when someone says "Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus".

Article originally appeared on Antukin (
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