Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 2:22AM
Antukin in Random

As some people know I am turning another year older on the 24th. I'd like to think that it is a good thing, although many times I get depressed that fact that in 6 years I'll be thirty, or think I'm too old to be even going out for drinks. It's such a pain to have birthdays after 21. However, perks like it'll only take me only one more year then I can rent a car without having to be charged for an underage fee.

Why is it so depressing? Even my friends get icky when I remind them that their birthday is coming up soon. Is there a reason why we should feel good or bad for birthdays?

I personally think that the fact some people get successful at a young age, like around the age of 21 and already have a yacht, gets me all depressed. I'm turning 24 and haven't even made my first million, and yet some 19 year old guy is on his way to make his 2nd million.

I really should be just thankful to God, I'm still alive and kicking and there's probably thousands of reasons I should be happy on my birthday.

Article originally appeared on Antukin (
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