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Dragon Age: Origins .... Hot!!!


I've probably done this before, played a game, and finished it in 2 days. I bought the game, earlier this month and got hooked on it.

The story was very fresh, due to the many character origins someone can start out as. Either a noble, a commoner, a mage in school, there are a branch of different outcomes as to what decisions made in the game. Another favorite of mine are the romance options. If the character is female then the male companions can be a potential love interest and vice versa.

The designs of the NPC's and the interface of the character generator is also an amazing experience, everything can be customized. I made my character a girl and made her look like a blonde bitch. She was hot.

Otherwise, the game is purely addictive. Spells and combat is great, which the game can be paused, then set the command for each party's actions, then unpause it and watch the chaos.

Moreover, the story is the main beauty of this game. The fact that the story unveils itself, and many random occurences can also happen, it is part of its great advantage. There are many side quests where someone can get lost in hours of gameplay.

In conclusion, there is no reason why Dragon Age: Origins shouldn't be the Game of the Year. No doubt about it. I highly recommend buying and playing this game. It will be worth every penny!


For more information about the game visit


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