Crazy, Sexy, Cool Item Reviews!!
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How to become a Social Butterfly! (Part 1)

I know I have been neglecting this site, so I decided to write this random topic. (I am writing what's on  my mind, so I apologize for any typos and grammatical errors.)

Watching alot of people in a profession where there is countless of intersections and interaction, the airport of course, made me realize the amount of conversation I do in my job.

On the firsthand, I worked as a sales person and my job was to get someone's attention and trust, within 5 minutes while I sell them air. Professional or not, with the tips and advice I can share with ya'll, anyone can become a social butterfly!

This will be the first of the many entries I will write because there is alot of things to cover.

However, I better get started on the first topic.


The way people look affects about 70% of an interaction. From my experience and as a licensed Esthetician, the first impression rules a very important key. In other situations, the more un-intimidating the person looks the more he can get someone's trust. Although, pharmaceutical reps have to dress hot so they can get the doctor to prescribe their drugs more often.

I understand it is a much more open world, however, I still think the better looking you are the more it will help with the interactions.

SO... shopping for decent clothes, practicing proper hygiene, grooming (hair, skin, nails), the teeth is also another factor because it affects the smile, watching the weight and basically taking care of one's self is priority, if someone is in need to become a social butterfly!

I am going on a rant here but there are many people who suffer from neglecting the things I mentioned and apparently, cost them on the meeting people department.

If in need of any opinions at all, please email me or consult a good friend that you think is attractive. It might sound shallow but life is not easy. Bodybuilders, models, and many appearance based professions have to do hard work. It is their full time job, spending hours in gyms, or mirrors, is the priority. The sweat and blood they pour doesn't make them vain but makes them a hard worker.


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Reader Comments (1)

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September 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlaura

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