Crazy, Sexy, Cool Item Reviews!!
  • The Chemist
    The Chemist
    by Stephenie Meyer

    I love this book. It is a mix of Jason Bourne and Hunger Games! Must Read!

  • Urban Decay Naked Palette
    Urban Decay Naked Palette
    Urban Decay

    Alright, the new fall NAKED Palette is my SEXY for the week!!! All the natural, neutral colors are in the palette and it is so awesome!!!

  • Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection
    Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection
    Urban Decay

    I've had this COOL pallete since it came out and I have created so much awesomeness with it!

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Can't Read My... Can't Read My...

I hate it when I cannot control a situation. Today, I tried my best, as I did yesterday and ended up in failure. It is a humbling moment when someone does something and they are fully aware that they are making a big mistake. I kept telling myself constantly inside that it's not the proper way.

I was like wow, this sucks. I couldn't connect to the people at all. I tried to change the way I talk, but it doesn't come out right.

I need a bath or something. I need to slap myself and wake up from this daze. What is it with these people or maybe it's me. Maybe God is showing me something I need to work on, like I need to force myself to be humble all the time and think of what people will feel, rather than my pocket.

I embarked on this knowing that it will change my personality and my perception towards asking for stuff. It's hard to deal with offering something they don't really need, and the real irony is I need it.

What is the secret? What do I need to do to make this work everyday, consistently.



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