Crazy, Sexy, Cool Item Reviews!!
  • The Chemist
    The Chemist
    by Stephenie Meyer

    I love this book. It is a mix of Jason Bourne and Hunger Games! Must Read!

  • Urban Decay Naked Palette
    Urban Decay Naked Palette
    Urban Decay

    Alright, the new fall NAKED Palette is my SEXY for the week!!! All the natural, neutral colors are in the palette and it is so awesome!!!

  • Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection
    Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection
    Urban Decay

    I've had this COOL pallete since it came out and I have created so much awesomeness with it!

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How To Become A Social Buttefly! Part 2

A couple of months ago, I wrote Part 1 of the "How To Become A Social Butterfly" series. It was about the appearance, where it is a number one factor in the journey to be on the top of the social chain. I have been procrastinating and now I finally did some progress!

This time I will be discussing, the word that some people have too much or too less. Confidence - it is one of the most important virtue someone should have. It is the drive that can land a person the dream job or meet the one they are going to spend the rest their life.

A friend told me once, I guess back when I was having self esteem issues, that we can't expect people to like us. We can only be ourselves, and we are like music. We all sound good but each kind of music cannot blend well with the other. For example, R&B cannot mix with metal, each of us is a certain tune and melody. I like to make an example that I am R&B and in a big room, I can only talk and relate to Pop, and maybe Hip Hop.

It's impossible to change overnight, but have a little confidence each and everyday. You'll be on your way to becoming a social butterfly!


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