Crazy, Sexy, Cool Item Reviews!!
  • The Chemist
    The Chemist
    by Stephenie Meyer

    I love this book. It is a mix of Jason Bourne and Hunger Games! Must Read!

  • Urban Decay Naked Palette
    Urban Decay Naked Palette
    Urban Decay

    Alright, the new fall NAKED Palette is my SEXY for the week!!! All the natural, neutral colors are in the palette and it is so awesome!!!

  • Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection
    Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection
    Urban Decay

    I've had this COOL pallete since it came out and I have created so much awesomeness with it!

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Is Make Up Really Important?

This week filled me with everything to do about make up. The salon where I have been working at had a splurge of Brides and Prom girls that came in for make up. It was suddenly all about blushes, eye shadows, and concealing those things that need to be hidden.

It makes me realize how make up is now a solid requirement for everyday life. I know we all want to look good, and that's not bad, however, I know quite a few amount of people that don't really wear a lot or doesn't wear any at all. It's just that people rely on make up for everything, many hide in it, and I think it can cause some psychological effect later on.

I ran into this picture online when I was browsing and I was like inspired to write something about it.

I think everyone is beautiful, but not everyone is showing their true beauty because they aren't really taking care of themselves. These models look like everyone else that walks the mall, and shop at Wal Mart!

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Reader Comments (2)

I believe that true beauty doesn't rely on physical look alone. It's how good and comfortable you're feeling about your appearance that matters. Would a beauty queen that relies on antidepressant to continue living is better looking than a common girl who's happy being herself and her work? I guess that depends on our own perception.

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJuliana Ayu Yahya

i like simplicity... so i prefer the no make up or not so much make up

April 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterButch

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