Crazy, Sexy, Cool Item Reviews!!
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    Urban Decay

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Good Date... Bad Date!


I have not gone on a date in a long time. However, a couple of weeks ago I went out with a person I met through a friend I met in a club three years ago. Anyways, I get a friend request on FB and we started talking. We decided to meet up and he drove three hours to hang out, due to me living quite further than him. We met up and went to dinner, clubbing, then he stayed over in a hotel, met up with me the next day and had lunch then a movie before saying goodbye!

That was a great first date, so I immediately liked him and started planning to visit him next time. I booked a hotel and made plans to see him the following weekend. I was getting excited that I would get to hang out with him.

The day came closer and I drove to his city and checked in to the hotel. Though the night before he asked if he can take me to see a musical and both of us agreed that it would be nice. He came over to the hotel we went to the mall and saw the place.. he informs me that he wants to have dinner with his friends so we rush back to the hotel to change and in doing so we came out really late to the dinner and was a little embarassed because I DON'T know these people and here I am on a date with their friend.. you know the usual insecurities one can feel...

I didn't eat that much because I was shy and already feeling bad cause we were late. While during the dinner I found out that the whole musical thing was not just me and him but all of his friends.. Moreover, I was so uncomfortable already so I told him I didn't want to go anymore and asked him if I can just go back to the hotel and he can hang out with his friends... AFTER much confusing conversation with him, he decides to take me to the theater and we will just stay for a bit.

Unfortunately, we stayed for the whole show, and the worst part is we were in the freaking corner, where I couldn't see anything. Don't get me started on why we ended up there. So... bad date? After this is another long story...

All I can basically say is the next day, I woke up with my date and another person in my bed.. (nothing happed by the way) and my date leaving early to take this stranger back to his car...


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Reader Comments (1)

Seems like your date doesn't know how to take someone out?

December 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterP.A.

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