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Facts & Myths About Eyelash Extensions! Xoxo


Eyelash Extensions have skyrocketed as one of the most sought after cosmetic procedures in spas and salons. There have been many horror stories and success stories regarding the application and wear of these. Here are some Facts and Myths that can clear someone's mind in deciding whether Eyelash Extensions are best for them.

I have been an Eyelash Extensions Specialist since 2006, and I run a succesful Eyelash Extensions salon in Fort Myers called Blink Aesthetics. I have seen both horrible and beautiful work in my years fixing other people's job. Here is a list of things people need to know.

  • Eyelash Extensions can cause permanent damage ONLY when the eyelash technician is not properly trained or inexperienced. I have so many clients that have been coming to me for at least 7 years and their lashes are healthy and they have been getting them continously, non stop for years. I try to apply them with meticulousity, and I do not like to apply too much glue to lessen the stress on the lashes.
  • If the eyelash extensions falls off fast that could mean many different things. Factors like oil, hot water, and friction are involved. Most of my clients come in from 2 weeks to 5 weeks. Each individual is different with their lifestyles and those determine the life span of the extensions.
  • There is such a thing as lower eyelash and eyebrow extensions.
  • The safest eyelash extensions are non cluster and .15 diameter thickness.

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  • Response
    Elements like oil, high temp water, and rubbing are included. A large portion of my customers roll in from 2 weeks to 5 weeks. Every individual is diverse with their ways of life and those focus the life compass of the augmentations.

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